
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Data Extract to File using Data Management - Data Exchange

As we know, Oracle updating cloud applications with latest updates regularly. In same way, Data Extract to file using Data Management also got updated. Here you can find new steps.

Go to Navigate >> Application tab >> Select Data Exchange

In Data Exchange tab, Click on Actions drop down and select Applications. you can refer below screen shot.

Click on + sign to create source or target applications

Select Data Export and select Data Export to File in the list below, as we are here exporting data to File.
Now, browse and select the file, in which format you want to export data. Like Account, Account alias, Customer, Customer Alias, ...... Data

Now, go to Data Management create Data load rule, after creating import format, location. Do update mappings as per your requirement, then you are ready to extract data from PBCS application to File.

Once Data load rule execution is completed, you can find the file in below location.
Navigate >> Application >> Overview >> Actions >> Inbox/Outbox Folder

you can download the file to local machine to verify data using excel.

You can find few tips, mentioned in this page. Tips for Data Extract in right format


Sunday, June 2, 2024

PBCS - Application metadata build and data load automation


Application metadata build and data load automation.

 We can do EPM automation using 2 methods as we explored:

 1. EPM Automate 

  - Need server to place files and for installing EPM Automate
  - Create automation script to execute the metadata and data load tasks
  - Schedule and execute tasks as per requirement.
  - We can send an email to send about status of the script.

     For example: We have created a script using EPM Automate, which will perform below tasks

    1. Login URL, Set log files to write script activity - Send email in case of login fails.
    2. Execute business rule to set variables
    3. Execute Data management rules to load metadata of 4 dimensions
    4. Refresh database
    5. Execute Data management rules to load data
    6. Execute Business Ruleset
    7. Upload log and err files to outbox folder
    8. Send email to receipts with attachments along with Timestamp

2. EPM Automate without Server

  - Instead of server, we can use OIC - Oracle Integration Cloud to move files to Cloud
  - We can create groovy script to run metadata, data load tasks, and execute using OIC
  - Schedule and execute OIC Integration as per requirement.
  - We can send an email to send about status of the Integration, 
    where we have advantage of to set Abort on error of each task if fails and to send an email.
For example: We have create few integrations, let me explain one of them.
  - To load Subledger Revenue Data into system:
  1. Subledger Revenue Data file will be pulled from ERP system, so we have create a integration to             pull data ERP 
     and place that in to our DM/inbox folder - Here we are not using any server, file directly place in             to EPM from ERP.
  2. We have created Data management load rule to load Subledger Revenue data
  3. Create a groovy business rule script to execute the Data Management rule with help of                             substitution variables, either for one month or multiple months.
  4. Create a Job to execute the same groovy script.
  5. Now in OIC, we have an Integration - to pull file from ERP to EPM and place it into inbox                    folder. To execute pre dataload business rule, Dataload, Post dataload rules. At each step, it will             wait until process completes, in case of failing any step it will abort the integration and                     send an email to receipts.

