
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Hyperion Planning: Enabling Access to Planning Artifacts On Mobile Devices

To work with artifacts such as forms, task lists, and business rules on mobile devices using the simplified interface, administrators must enable access to those artifacts for users.

To enable access to Planning artifacts on mobile devices:

  1. Login to Workspace, then go to particular Planning application, then Select Administration, then Manage, and then Tablet Access.
  2. In Tablet Access Setup, select the Forms, Tasks, and Rules tabs to view and select the artifacts that you want to enable.
  3. You can use Hyperion Planning Url to access simplified interface:
You can check here what ever you have access in Hyperion Planning application. for example: Forms, Tasks, Rules, Reports(whatever connected with this application)


Hyperion Financial Reporting: Accessing Financial Reporting From a Mobile Device

To access Financial Reporting from a mobile device:

1.    Open a new browser page.
2.    Enter one of the following URLs:

where server:port is the address for your server and port.

3.    Enter user name and password, when prompted. Press OK.
The Financial Reporting repository is displayed.

